PRS Classes
PRS (Precision Rifle Series) shooting is turning the shooting world upside down, being especially popular in North America. This is not surprising! Precision shooting combined with dynamic aspects, at varying distances, without any previously set patterns is very appealing. Similar to IPSC matches, the stages are only revealed right before the match. This requires a lot of experience and “brain work” from the shooter. Stereotypical shooting that always follows the same patterns does not exist in PRS. Even though time is a factor, it is not as important as in IPSC matches. While in IPSC a good result is achieved with a few bad shots, but in the fastest time, PRS is a different story. PRS requires ultimate precision.
All those interesting features are the reason why it is not surprising that the PRS wave is taking over Europe, and that PRS has gained significant popularity within a short amount of time. The first 300m matches were held in 2019, and the BDS is currently working on rules and standards for the sport as well as first championships. Those are partially organized in neighboring countries at long range distances. Blackforest Precision supports these projects, and we decided to offer a a series of classes for all those who would like to be part of this new shooting scene.
In Germany, the new shooting movement is currently referred to as “PRS”, “Rifle Speed Challenge” or “Dynamic Long Range”. No matter which of those names will establish itself, we will stick with PRS.
Similar to our AR 15 classes, the PRS class series is a row of seminar modules to build up skill. The classes can only be attended in sequence. Besides the step-by-step buildup of content (from easier to harder; from known to unknown), we also focus on the teaching technique/didactics in order to avoid overstraining the participants or not challenging them enough. Our goal is to advance every shooter as effective as possible.
Class focus:
PRS I (PRS Basic)
PRS I is the introduction into the PRS teaching series and creates basic skills. The theory lesson focuses on explaining the principles of PRS shooting, the philosophy, rules, and equipment requirements. The practical (shooting) part focuses on the basics of shooting: Shooting techniques with maximum precision from all shooting positions – at first without any time pressure. In order to make this course accessible for as many shooters as possible, we will start at a 100-300m range.
PRS II (Speed Course)
The PRS II Class is the end of “slow”. In theory and practical lessons we teach both static and dynamic shooting with maximum precision and increased speed (as fast as possible). Boring is something else – and now it also becomes clear why PRS I has to be the mandatory prerequisite for this course!
PRS III (PRS Long Range)
In order to participate in the PRS III course, PRS I and II have to be completed, as well as our Long Range I class. There is a simple reason for that: The skills aquired in the first two PRS classes are combined with long range shots up to 1000m. This means that apart from shooting from different positions, and fast but precise shooting, also external environmental factors have to be considered and judged correctly. The basics of “reading the wind” taught in the Long Range I class, as well as a click chart for your own rifle/ammunition are an absolute must for PRS III!
After completing the PRS course series, the participants will have experienced a unique and modular high quality training that enables them to compete successfully at national and international PRS matches.
No additional classes are currently planned after PRS III. However, we will offer exclusive long range training on a regular basis for all participants of the complete PRS series. So even after taking the classes, we keep supporting our customers so they can achieve the best possible results, no matter in what association or match. Those training sessions are meant to function like a workshop where people can share their competition experience, test their equipment, or improve their competition tactics.